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Fastest growing Rust Preventives Manufacturer around the Globe

Our Story

RUST-X is the market leader of Corrosion Prevention Solution Globally & manufacturing over to products in manufacturing locations in the USA, France, Italy, India and China making it a global brand with partners in over 45 countries. Rust-X caters to over 10,000 customers with a presence in all major industrial cities of the world making it possible for the client to utilize our services and use one standard range globally.

The group is in existence for more than 38 years. Hi-Tech is the fastest-growing Rust Preventives manufacturer in the Indian industry with growth rates of more than 44% year on year for the last 4 years.

Our solutions work for the customer in the first recommendation which is due to our technical knowledge and experience.

Rust-X is the only vertically integrated VCI manufacturer in the industry with in-house manufacturing of chemicals, masterbatch, films, papers, desiccants, oils and foils. This gives the customer an advantage to rely on Rust-X complete pdckd§ing solution ensuring them to Rest Without Rust.

Core Value

The group has been in existence for more than 38 years. Hi Tech is the fastest growing Rust Preventives manufacturer in the Indian industry with growth rates of more than 44% year on year for the last 4 years. Our solutions work for the customer in the first recommendation which is due to our technical knowledge and experience.


Corrosion Prevention Solution globally & manufacturing over 500 products in manufacturing locations in USA, France, Italy, India and China making it a global brand with partners in over 45 countries. Rust-X caters to over 10,000 customers with a presence in all major industrial cities of the world making it possible for the client to utilize our services and use one standard range globally.


Rust-Xis the only vertically integrated VCI manufacturer in the industry with inhouse manufacturing of chemicals , masterbatch, films, papers, desiccants, oils and foils. This gives the customer an advantage to rely on Rust-X complete packaging solution ensuring them to Rest Without Rust.


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Why Choose Us

Countries Globally


Corossion Engineers




Channel Partners


Vertically Intgrated


Growth Rates


VCI Products

Manufacturing Plants

Nordic Region, Europe
California, USA
Mumbai, India
Delhi, India
Lyon, France
Ludhiana, India


is in your hands, myths of VCI unfolded

The Razor blade test and the VIA test as listed by NACE and BFSV Germany are the only real VCI’s test methods to determine the efficacy of a VCI product.
Ask for one of our experts for a test kit today !

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